Immerse yourself in an intense battle between worlds! You’ll roam freely in hyper-realistic, dynamic and interactive environments.The game should no longer crash after returning to Dabi after him disappearing.Marino should no longer be able to jump out of bounds in the desert fight.Fixed a startup crash when using translations on some slow machines.The requirements for getting good grades in the Arena Challenges are now a bit more lenient.Magic Battery's EP regeneration on crit has been reduced slightly.Summon Plant's shooting version has gotten its max range increased.During Bishop's fire circle, he should no longer only come from one direction.Bishop should no longer occasionally throw more swords than he indicates.The Poison counter should now appear properly again.Said fire maze should no longer disappear for clients in multiplayer when on exceptionally low ping. They will become more friendly and accompany you on your way, as well as being a plentiful source of information, equipment, and aid as you continue on your ever-expanding journey. The inhabitants of the planet will act accordingly to your actions, what you have done for them, and in some cases, what you have not done. It is not only your fellow players that will see and appreciate the battles and quests you have completed in the name of freedom the environment also reacts to your performance. With the right combination of different herbs the players can create elixirs that give them unique skills.

Through its quest based reward system, players uncover long forgotten secrets, learn magician's recipes that give them the chance to form and develop their skills. As well as offering an ordinary levelling system, you can use your fighting spirit to reach higher levels.

Your participation plays a big role in the success of the fight against your enemy.

At the heart of the game is the story, and we want every player to feel as though their actions are making a difference to the struggle that the Gondwana face. What we have tried to accomplish with The Herb, is a breath of fresh breath into the genre, a mythical, ancient story with Science Fiction elements to offer players a new experiences and visions for a new world and new legends based on long forgotten lore. Legends of Gondwana is an MMO that is a hybrid of everything you know and love about the MMO genre, it takes that structure, and twists it into a new and exhilarating adventure. The game offers a spellbinding storyline, a variety of PvE events, ranked PvP, a robust Guilds system, Pets & Mount system as well as a deep social element… Your quest is to save the inhabitants of the Planet.

You’ll play a character who is a member of a secret organization. Gondwana is one of the oldest planets in the universe of Argatica, and is the only source of extremely rare and valuable herbs that enhance abilities. Legends of Gondwana is a Classical MMORPG combined with innovations where adventures await behind every corner!