Although the narration is made in third-person, each chapter focuses specifically in one of the eight heroes that participate in the novel and the main antagonist, the witch Yog. The book is divided in three parts, and each part contains nine chapters. Unless Albion's bravest Heroes can find the answer, the dawn of a new age could be extinguished before it even begins.Fable Blood of Heroes

What connects the recent events in Brightlodge to rumors about a malicious ghost and a spate of unsolved deaths in the nearby mining town of Grayrock? As the beginnings of a deadly plot are revealed, it becomes clear that Heroes have truly arrived - and so have villains.
When someone tries to burn down the Cock and Bard inn, four Heroes find themselves hastily thrown together, chasing outlaws through sewers, storming a riverboat full of smugglers, and placing their trust in a most unlikely ally. The city of Brightlodge is awash with Heroes from every corner of Albion, all eager for their next quest. For Fable newcomers and dedicated fans alike, Blood of Heroes delves into a never-before-glimpsed era, telling the tale of a band of adventurers who come together to defend a kingdom in desperate need. So why have the bards begun singing of them once more?. Heroes are thought to be gone from the land. There is no villain side contact like Unai that gives out farm maps right from the beginning.Deep in Albion's darkest age, long before once upon a time. This is similar in difficulty to the Hero side process of unlocking Harvey Maylor. This requires unlocking the Television contact and then doing a few of its missions. Pretty much the only good farm maps come from the Television arc on the villain side. That sounds weird, but I am being more careful lately after I had this map get completed on one of my non- farm characters (a runaway mob with rad debuffs aggroed a lot of extra groups, and we lost track of which groups had been left alive).

Family: This is probably the most popular of Unai’s farm maps.It is somewhat oddly shaped though, so if you have to spawn it for 6 with less (or more) people on your team, it can be annoying. It isn’t a bad map, and council are decent for farming. The first one he usually gives you is a bunch of council in a war-zone like outdoor map.

Unai gives a variety of maps that are good for farming.