The Ebook of Boba Fett takes place nearly 5 years after Return of the Jedi, that means future present or film will discover what Cad Bane was as much as through the authentic trilogy, and why he didn’t be part of Vader’s workforce. Hidden Fortress by Kurosawa was particularly influential on the original Star Wars and here we get a homage to Kurosawas Seven Samurai which has famously been remade as western The Magnificent Seven a couple of times as well as numerous other adaptations. Obi-Wan correctly deduces that the escape route is beneath them, and using his helmet's filters, discovers the exit. However, the platforms continue to rise, threatening to crush the bounty hunters. Her sister was the mother of Jas Emari, who ventured into bounty hunting by the time of the Galactic Civil War. The bounty hunters race to the rising platforms, believing that they will be safe from the poison if they stay high enough. She befriended the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano while protecting a farming village on Felucia from Hondo Ohnaka and his pirate gang. When Jango fell in the first battle of the Clone Wars, Bane was left to hog. The hunters are lead by a lithe Zabrak female named Sugi, who orders the Jedi to drop their weapons. Modus Operandi: Prior to the Clone Wars, Cad Bane and Jango Fett were the two most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. His most up-to-date look in canon was in The Ebook of Boba Fett, the place he labored for the Pyke Syndicate with a purpose to additional their unlawful Spice empire. Sugi was a female Zabrak bounty hunter who operated during the Clone Wars. The Jedi are soon surrounded by heavily armed bounty hunters. Bane was first launched within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode “Hostage Disaster,” the place he infiltrated the Galactic Senate and took a number of senators hostage. With Cad Bane’s cybernetic respiratory tubes, large-brimmed cowboy hat, and gravelly auto-tuned voice (supplied by Corey Burton), he comes off as a uniquely menacing character within the Star Wars universe.